*A Family Affair* follows the story of Zara (Joey King), an ambitious woman working as an assistant to narcissistic Hollywood star Chris Cole (Zac Efron). When Chris’s womanizing behavior becomes unbearable, Zara decides to quit. However, her attempt to sever ties with him proves complicated when Chris begins dating her widowed mother (Nicole Kidman). Yikes!
In case you missed it, the film’s stars Joey King and Liza Koshy are best friends in real life and also co-star in the Disney Channel animated series *Hamster & Gretel*, which has recently been renewed for a second season.
Joey King is best known for her role as Elle in the Netflix movie *The Kissing Booth*, which turned into a three-film franchise. When the final *Kissing Booth* movie premiered in August 2021, Joey told *The New York Times* that she would love to play Elle again, but that chapter had officially closed for her.
Joey King and Zac Efron are teaming up for the upcoming Netflix comedy, *A Family Affair*. Premiering on June 28, 2024, the film features a star-studded cast including Nicole Kidman, Kathy Bates, and internet sensation Liza Koshy.